Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nursing Staff Perceptions Regard Physician -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Nursing Staff Perceptions Regard Physician? Answer: Introduction Communication skills are crucial in the process of implementing effective nursing practices. A transparent and effective course of communication helps in understanding the patient dilemma. Additionally, some of the therapeutic communication approaches provides the patient with sufficient autonomy in invoicing their individual opinions regarding the care services (Gausvik et al. 2015). It is one of the pivotal aspects of establishment of patient care approach where the patients are placed at the centre of the support and care services. The assignment explores the affectivity of communication skills in delivery of enhanced care and support services. In this respect, Mrs. Forks is a lady admitted to the hospital with hypertension and has received normal reports for most of her medical tests conducted. However, during my interaction with Forks I found her muttering to herself. She has overheard the conversations between me and a fellow nurse and that we were wishing that she leaves soon as there is more number of patients than hospital beds. In order to meet Ms. Forks needs I should have in the first place consulted the general physician attending to her. Therefore, in case if any future discrepancy in relating to Ms. Forks condition I will consult the healthcare professional and the attending to her as well as the staff nurse in charge of her care so that they could help me understand the treatment plans used with her so far. Yes, I think I should taken initiatives to clear the misunderstanding of Ms. Forks by explaining it to her that we were only discussing the conditions of the ward as felt equally responsible and committed towards her care need. I think I need to excel my time management skill as I provided too little time in my interactions with Ms. Forks. Some of my interactions could have been more detailed. As commented by Lum et al. (2015), maintaining transparency in communication can provide the patient with more autonomy in decision making. I dont think I did not reflect much on the information collected for taking supportive sessions of Ms. Forks as I totally missed that Ms. Forks has movement disabilities and could not drive herself to the attending physician for routine check up two times a week. Yes, I think I respond to cues from Ms. Forks appropriately. During my interaction with Ms. Fork I found that she is an 82 year old woman living on own without any family and children. However, she had been admitted to the hospital with complain of hypertension. Though, she has received nil or no abnormality in most of her medical records. However, she needs to be under constant treatment and supervision. During my interaction with her I have found that though she is deaf. However she lacks sufficient amount of consciousness with regards to the medications. The major issue though highlighted by her over here is difficulty in walking which could make visiting the chamber of the general physician two times a week difficult for her. A very simple consultation method has been used by me for dealing with the case scenario of Ms. Forks that is by simply taking down notes. As a nurse attending to the support care of Ms. Forks I have been actively using health information related to Ms. Forks for important health decisions. Effective team negotiation and networking is required in order to collect important cues regarding the patient (Brand et al. 2015). In this respect, I was mainly dependent upon the datasheets provided to me. However, in order to extend after discharge care services to the patient I would need to negotiate with the home care organization as well as her doctor for scheduling future appointments. I think I was quick in negotiating with Ms. Forks, though I should have put more effort into knowing the medications subscribed to the patient. This is because it would have otherwise lead to serious health implications as Ms. Forks was provided with wrong medications. In order to prioritise the care regimen of Ms. Forks I need to reflect upon her present health condition in details. I also need to consult with a number other channels such as doctors and home care organizations. Thus, conducting a comprehensive assessment will help me reflect upon the loopholes in Ms. Forks. Additionally, use evidence based communication tools such as SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) for understanding the problem situation faced by the patient could also be an effective measure (O'hagan et al. 2014). It will also facilitate the handover process. For effectively managing my time for the care of Ms. Forks I need to divide my task into top priority and mid priority basis. This will help me in looking after the care concerns of the patient. I think I should have done my research well before I could interact with Ms. Forks. I felt in certain areas I could have been more proactive while dealing with the patient. For instance, the wrong medications being provided to Ms. Forks would have totally missed my mind had she not pointed it. Therefore, I will need to be more careful from next time onwards. I think insufficient communication between the members of the care team employed to look after Ms. Forks would have resulted in falsification of the identification of the patient. Nursing entry in the progress notes PROGRESS NOTES Date Nursing Entry: APIE framework Assessment (A)- the patient showed normal reports which were all marked NAD (no abnormally detected) Planning (P)- the patient was supposed to attend routine check up two times a week Implementation (I)- the home care organization professional was supposed to drive the patient to the doctors chamber provided here movement difficulties Evaluation (E) - the patient would need to undergo a blood test for doing her lipid profile which will help in understanding her recovery rates Conclusion The current assignment focuses on the aspect of implementation of effective communication approaches within a healthcare setup for understanding the problem situation of the patient. In this respect, the patient though on her discharge was providing with wrong medications. Therefore, such as negligence on the part of the healthcare providers could have serious consequence. Therefore, implementation of effective evidence based communication tools such as SBAR could help in the addressing the different health parameters. References Brand, S.I., Slee, K.M., Chang, Y.H., Cheng, M.R., Lipinski, C.A., Arnold, R.R. and Traub, S.J., 2015. Team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety training: The effect of training on both nursing staff perceptions regarding physician behaviors and patient satisfaction scores in the ED.Journal of Hospital Administration,4(2), p.48. Gausvik, C., Lautar, A., Miller, L., Pallerla, H. and Schlaudecker, J., 2015. Structured nursing communication on interdisciplinary acute care teams improves perceptions of safety, efficiency, understanding of care plan and teamwork as well as job satisfaction.Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare,8, p.33. Lum, L., Dowedoff, P., Bradley, P., Kerekes, J. and Valeo, A., 2015. Challenges in oral communication for internationally educated nurses.Journal of Transcultural Nursing,26(1), pp.83-91. O'hagan, S., Manias, E., Elder, C., Pill, J., Woodward?Kron, R., McNamara, T., Webb, G. and McColl, G., 2014. What counts as effective communication in nursing? Evidence from nurse educators' and clinicians' feedback on nurse interactions with simulated patients.Journal of advanced nursing,70(6), pp.1344-1355

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